Who is John Galt? If you know the meaning of that question then this is the place for you. You probably know that serious shit is snowballing in this country and are wondering what the hell to do about it. The Individualist Papers are to let you know what I'm going to do, and why. When completed, these papers are going to Washington with my signature, a copy to the Chief Executive, one to the Congress and one to the Senate. Others will go to certain media persons and unnamed individuals.

I originally planned to post the complete Individualist Papers as soon as I'd finished writing them. But between my being busy at work and the rapid advance of the Obama Administration's assault on freedom in America, I have no choice but to post what I have so far and update the site weekly until I'm finished.

I invite your comments and discussion but know that I am committed and my course is set. You don't have to agree with my choice but you cannot escape having to make a choice yourself. What will you do about it? Read on and good luck.

Monday, May 4, 2009



For What It's Worth Section I

For What It's Worth Section II

The Individualist Manifesto

The Constitution: Instrument for Ethical Governance

Declaration of Resolve